Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday ~ Don't. Stop. Believing.

{Here's a picture of  a baby chick. You're welcome.}

I believe in jazz music.
I believe in iced white chocolate mocha.
I believe in entering the free way at full speed (that's you, little blue car entering the freeway at 10mph!)
I believe in guys holding doors for girls because it makes men feel like men and girls feel like girls.
I believe in always smiling.
I believe in long heart-to-heart talks with my mom.
I believe that a few minutes petting a cat can fix almost any problem.
I believe in dancing with my nieces and nephews.
I believe in classic Disney movies.
I believe in burgers being medium-well.
I believe in west coast sunsets.
I believe in climbing trees even when you're twenty-five years old.
I believe in sitting towards the middle-front at church.
I believe in Tom's of Maine toothpaste.
I believe in your birthday happening in just two days.
I believe in pulling your cart over to the side of the store isle when texting.
I believe in smiling "thank you" smiles at police officers, fire-fighters and paramedics.
I believe no one should be allowed out of their house in pj's and slippers.
I believe it must somehow be morally and ethically wrong for guys to have just a mustache. 
 I believe that keeping the peace should also include rolling up your windows when blasting rap music.
I believe in one weaknesses.
I believe in plugging your nose when jumping off the diving board.
I believe in watching an entire season of a show in one day.
I believe in big hair.
I believe in shorts being longer than your underwear. For starters.
I believe in never blinking when looking at an angel statue.
I believe in people not bringing a huge box of fresh donuts to work.

What are you believing' in today?


  1. Hahaha! I've got a story for ya! :) When I was taking my driver's training driving test on an interstate, my instructor was trying to explain to me how to approach merging onto the interstate from a *very* short entrance ramp. I though he said that I would just have to gun it when I got to the top of the ramp. So I did. He slammed on the brakes on his side of the car. Apparently you are supposed to approach it carefully and, you know, look to see if any cars are coming. :)

    1. "I thought," not "I though." :)

    2. Kerry, that is hilarious!! I do, of course, promote safety at all times...but those "creepers" who just slowly eeze out into the freeway can be WAY MORE dangerous than some of the people who just close their eyes and hit the gas petal! :)

  2. "I believe in one weaknesses."

    Isn't that the truth! :)

    Love your list, girl - especially that one about shorts. Golly it makes me embarrassed for the wearer when I see some of these girl's! YIKES! It's not cool.

    Happy Easter, my friend! Hope it's a wonderful weekend for you and your family.

    1. Haha, yes! Every girl should take Dorcas Lane as their example! Well, at least in some things. ;) Yes, I feel wellsprings of pity for some of those girls who wear "denim underwear" and think somehow they look attractive...

      Thanks, Rissi! My Easter weekend really was lovely!

  3. I believe that this post is awesome. :-)

    1. Hehe, thanks, Susannah!! There may be more of them around here in the future! :)

  4. HALLELUJAH about the mustache thing. Fabulous post, and loooooooove the adorbs little chick! So sweet! <3 I believe in...The Doctor. JK. lol

    1. Michah: I know, right?? I just can't quite get over this new mustache graze (or the beard one!!). The only males that actually look classy with just a mustache are sweet old men over 75 years old!! :) Well...the Doctor's not too shabby of a thing to believe it, eh! :)

  5. Love so many of these things!! Mostly climbing trees at 25 and Disney favorites. :)

    1. Thanks, Angela! I've always had a penchant for climbing trees, there's something so exhilarating about it! And Disney movies? Always and forever. :)

  6. YES to all of the above! :) Especially the one about cars entering the freeway. Oh goodness, some people don't know how to do that at all.

    As for dancing nieces and nephews? Oh yes. I spent last evening with a dear friend who has triplets. Anytime music plays, one of the boys immediately starts wiggling his body in his version of dancing. It's adorable! And it really happens every single time he hears music. His body won't be denied! It must dance! :D

    1. Wow, Kara, triplets? I had a friend who had twins and that seems a handful! Can't imagine there being three of them! And that's so cute! I love it when little kids start dancing!!

  7. Shorts should ALWAYS be longer then your underwear, no questions about it!
    I might have to steal this idea!

    1. Amen and amen, forever and ever!

      Totally do it, Katysue!! :)

  8. I love believing in long talks with my mom too!! love your blog....p.s i'm the newbie!!!

    1. Hey!! Thanks, newbie! :) I'm so glad that you've stopped by and plan on coming back again!! I am always so blessed by that! And aren't mom's the best??

  9. Replies
    1. THANK YOU, Michelle!!!! You need to come over again so we ;)

  10. Friendy, I miss you so terribly much! I love reading your blog. You are so professional with all your awesome pics and the tales of your days! I can't wait to see you on Sunday! Let's get an Easter picture with Liz and Colleen, shall we?
    Liz told me she got her keys today - eek!!! :-D

    1. Yes, yes, yes! It seems on Sunday mornings you always have a crowd of "baby admirers" clustered around you and I just can't penetrate through the fawning females fast enough!! :D I wish we could have gotten a picture! Aaaaand yes!! She definitely got the keys! I was privileged to be a part of that big, huge, life-changing moment of her life! Life changing for me, too!! I'm already planning a shelf for my children's books and a toy when my N&N's and Wade-o come over! :)

  11. Tootie Fruity Reedy SneedyMarch 30, 2013 at 2:17 AM

    Oh! I bought Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast! Come vege with moi!

    1. Lol, Suz! That name above totally made me laugh! And I'm totally up for a Beauty and the Beast! I don't have it on DVD and I'd went to go watch my ooooooold VHS a few weeks ago and I must have gotten rid of it! :(

  12. Loved this post! Especially the pajamas/slippers and short shorts. You are spot on when it comes to fashion and modesty. And dancing with nieces and nephews and guys holding doors, too.

    Pretty much everything you wrote I either nodded my head, smiled, or exclaimed "YES!" in my head. Girl, we have to meet someday. :)

    1. Thanks, Kiki! I'm so glad to hear that I'm "spot on!" I used to be heavy on the "modest" and zero on the "fashion" part...but as I've gotten older, I've learned that modest doesn't have to mean head to toe coverings!! :D

      And gral, I'm totally up for meeting someday!! Seriously! Lets make it happen!


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