Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday | Ten on Ten

Anyways, I'm {finally} joining Kiki for the Ten on Ten challenge, where you take ten random photos of your day...on the tenth of the month. I've been planning on doing this for seriously months, but always forgot about it until too late. But thanks to Kiki's timely reminder yesterday, here I am!

I slept in a bit late (side effect of staying up 'til 1am reading two nights in a row), piddled around my house for about an hour and then decided to just go spend the rest of the day with my family at Home. I got there about 10:30am and immediately joined Stuart and Karis in a rousing game of Uno Speed, in which I didn't win any of the three games we played (you know what I'm thinking, Kristine! *grin* ). After that the three of us curled up on the couch with big bowls of cheesy popcorn and watched The Rescues Down Under. Because we're mature that way.

I spent the afternoon talking to Mom, filling out another job application, eating healthy, homemade food, washing my car, chillin' on the hammock until I found a spider crawling across my shirt  and went searching for my cat Jones so I could snuggle with her more times that she probably appreciated.

And so with that being said, enjoy my first contribution to Ten on Ten.

Click here to see the Ten on Ten host and other people who linked up, too!


  1. Looks like fun! Cool pics. :)

    1. Whoa, girl, you're fast!! Fastest comment EVER. Thanks, it was just a fun, easy-going sort of day. :)

  2. Love the hammock pictures, so refreshing just to look at. =)

    1. It was a lovely bit of easy time...until the spider made it's grand entrance and spoiled the show. Oh well. Hammocks are lovely, spider or no. ;)

  3. You've got a great eye! The hammock pics are just wonderful!

  4. LOVE the hammock pics!! Sounds like the perfect day:)

  5. Love the pics! I'll need to remember this next month! hahahahahahaha, like that's gong to happen! =P

    1. Howbout you remind me and I'll remind you?? Deal? ;)

  6. I didn't even know you came home today until I read your blog. Nice picture of the hammock.

  7. What an awesome link-up! Although, if I had done this for today. A lot of my pictures would have been of the inside of my house. :/ haha I need to get out! :)

    1. Haha, yes, it past months I've been working in my old office...not quite the best place for photo taking! But hey, today finally worked out for me!

  8. Awe the hammock! Great pictures! Love the 10 on 10 so glad I remembered!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I love the Ten on Ten idea, too!

  9. Great set! Glad you joined up! That second shot is my favorite. :)

  10. Sounds like you had a ever-so-lovely day at Home!

    My kinda summer :)

  11. Really great photos! And I'm also sorry about your job loss, but like you said, this gives your faith a little workout. :) Everything that's meant to happen will happen :)


    1. Thank you for both the compliment and the encouragement, Erika!

  12. Love how you started your post with Anyways :-P And, boy, 10 pix goes fast. I grew up on Rescuers Down Under. I used to have the book but recently got rid of it. It wasn't as endearing as the movie.

    1. Haha, I didn't even think about how I started the post with "anyways," it was just the way I was thinking it as I typed it. Haha. Thanks, Miss Michelle. ;)

      Yah, it seems like there should be more of them...but I guess I did smoosh two photos into one.

      Glad that you also like the Rescuers. Although I noticed this afternoon that the boy is the only Australian who doesn't have an Aussie accent. And did you know the voice of the bad guy is actually George C. Scot??? Never knew that.

  13. Love, love, love, love, love. Love your photos, love that you linked up, and I love all of the soft + rich lighting in each shot.

    Oh, and I love that you did a shout-out to me, too! It made me smile reading my name on your blog. :)

    And now I'm going to bug you every month to join in!

    Kidding (sorta). :)

    1. Girl, please bug me every month!! This was a lovely idea and I want to do it again, but ya know me and my memory around the bug away! :D

      Glad you liked the pics...I loved all your gorgeous black and white ones!

  14. Ok, it threw me off a bit that another Breanne commented on this post. I hardly ever see anyone else spell their name exactly like I do, ha! Anyway, great job on the images here. The fourth pic is my fav but i also love the simplistic beauty of the last one :)

    1. Haha, well, it's a good name. :)

      Thanks! That hammock rope shot is my favorite, too. Right place, right time! And right lighting, too. ;)

  15. Looks like a fun day! And I'll agree with everyone else, that hammock shot is awesome. :) And you know me, I always notice the books in your pictures. Please, please say that you liked Barefoot Summer. I read it last weekend and fell in love! :)

    1. I'm reading it right now (well, not like right NOW, since I'm on the computer ;) and so far, I'm thoroughly Loving it!!! :)

    so that being said, or screamed, how do you like the new book?! I haven't read it yet (i'm in the middle of a series).

    Also hammocks are the way to go! :)

    1. Hi, Amy! How did I like the book? How does me staying up until 3:30am finishing it sound?? I LOVED it!!! One of my fav's of the year! Definitely wanting to check into more of Denise Hunter's works!

  17. Welcome. I enjoyed your first photo set for 10 on 10. Loved the hammock imagery- I could hear the breeze blowing. Great set.

  18. Lovely set! So wanting to be in that hammock!

  19. I just found your blog through a Twitter link from BookSneeze! I also review Christian fiction over at:
    I loved Anomaly, and also enjoyed Barefoot Summer; although being a mom of twins, and reading 2 books in a row that involved a dead twin (Barefoot Summer and An Open Heart) started to be too much for me!
    I look forward to reading more reviews from you!

    1. Thanks for commenting, TeddyG!! I'll have to check out your page!!


Oooh, you're about to comment! How exciting! Know that you are SO MUCH MORE than just a name and a comment to me - you're a person I'd like to get to know! Make sure you check back, as I reply to each comment. I love getting to talk/correspond with each of you!