Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday ~ Good Foods + Good Reads

Two monumental things have happened in the past two days:

The first being, I finally got Lightroom installed on my laptop, so I can actually begin editing my photos properly again! Woohoo! Although, I'm a little unsure how that's going to look from now on, because I've been using my tv as my laptop monitor...but the screen tinting is drastically different between my laptop and my tv and I don't know which one is most correct. So if my photos start looking off-color and weirdly tinted, it's because my screens are wrong!

At least I hope that's why.

{ last nights dinner - bagel & chicken sandwich and cherry coke }

The second happening was truly monumental of the greatest proportions. At least  for me. Because I got our little house hooked up with wireless internet. 


Yes, yes...I realize that for most people, that's just a normal, every day house-hold item, like butter in the fridge or toothpaste in the bathroom drawer. But for this gal? See, me and my family just went from dial up to fast internet just last year. Yup, just last year. And it was only for our main desktop. So, when I wanted internet access on my laptop, it was either the library, Starbucks or my sister's house.

{ went thrifting after work yesterday and found THIS treasure! Pretty much one of my favorite books and I think I clung to it a little too protectively after I snatched it off the shelf! *grin* }

But now? There's are nebulous little wireless particles floating around my room, registered under my name and coming in through the jack in my room. That's a big deal for me, folks! 

I guess I'll always be just a little bit old-fashioned. But I'm okay with that. :)

{ dining room views}

I celebrated a Starbucks Tuesday this morning and went mainstream/unoriginal with a Strawberries & Cream Frapp.

Of course. It was delicious.

One of my other thrift store finds was this David Arch cd. I know he's kinda "juvenile" and his music is a little fluffy...but I confess, I still enjoy his music. Somebody's gotta like it, right? :)

Happy Tuesday, my friends! Not much out of the new-ordinary going on these beginning-of-summer days. At least, it's the beginning of summer here.



  1. Heard great things about Beauty. Someday I'll read it. :)

    1. Definitely give it a try, Rissi! It had me fully captivated and stuck in the "aura" even after the book ended. :)

  2. Not that everything goes back to Dr. Who, but this sentence was very Who-esque!: "There's are nebulous little wireless particles floating around my room, registered under my name and coming in through the jack in my room."
    Kinda creepy there, Kelz (and yes, I'm nicknaming you)

    1. Hehe, that thought didn't even cross my mind when I wrote it! As long as the "nebulous wireless particles" don't turn out to be some kind of harmful alien form looking for some kind of host body or a world to take over. I will not go quietly. ;)

      And gral, nickname away...although Kelz isn't a new one. But you're free to call me that. :)

    2. I probably got it from hearing your fam call you it. :)

      Nebulous little wireless particles registered under my name...something akin to there being several Kellie particles floating around the room...

    3. Um, what kind of particles? The small and white kind that you've {unfortunately} seen adorning our bedroom floor? ;)

  3. Love, love, love Beauty! I can never decide if I like Beauty or Rose Daughter better. Love the cover of the copy you found, you're not the only one guilty of book clutching, I may have been known to do the snatch and clutch a few times..... ;-)
    Mmmmmmm, cherry coke, I haven't had cherry coke in forever, maybe a trip to the store is in order!

    1. KatySue, I'll make the decision for you! Beauty is much better! I started reading Rose Daughter, but it just did not compare in my mind at all to Beauty! It's still sorta strange to me that she actually wrote two books on the same thing! She must have really loved the Beauty and the Beast story! I like this cover, too! I wish there were old, hardback versions of this! It's the sort of book that just begs to be vintage. :)

  4. WOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU GOT WIFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ::happy dance::
    Now I need to finish my email to you. LOL ;)
    GAAH--you like "Beauty"?! I LOVE that retelling of my favorite fairy tale!!!! I've read it to DEATH from the library.
    Love ya!

    1. True story, gral! My brother-in-law is going to let me borrow their webcam to see how I like it (since I want a better one that the one my laptop has built in, it's worthless!), so maybe we can chat sometime soon! Although I work during the days, so it'll either have to be a later night for you or a weekend!

      And yes, I LOVE Beauty!! One of my hands-down favorite books! I have my roomie reading it now, since she's heard me talk about it so many times! :D

    2. Between our work schedules & time difference, yeah...evenings & weekends work best for me too--no problemo! =D
      LOVE YA!

  5. Is that Robin McKinley's Beauty??? It's one of my all-time favorites...I was around eight or so when I first read it, and I've read it dozens of times since then.
    And yay for wi-fi! Haha, it would be a big deal for me too.(;

    Decked Out in Ruffles

    1. Vicki, yes it is!! I love {many} of Robin McKinley's books, and this is pretty much one of my favorite books, in general! If you liked Beauty, have you read Sherwood Smith's Crown Duel & Court Duel? Also fantastically good!! :D

  6. Yay for wifi! Isn't it amazing how much we rely on it when we find ourselves without it? Looks like a fascinating book...I'll have to add that one to my summer reading list. Love the picture of the palm trees -- so green and lovely! I would love to actually see a live one someday...one of the items on my bucket list. :)

    1. Kate, I have to tell you...palm trees are as regal and inspiring as you might imagine! They are so tall, so strong. You can always trust a palm tree. Hopefully you'll get to see one someday soon! :D

  7. Wifi is great. Something I never take forgranted. :) I love me a cherry coke once in awhile. I'm not usually a pop fan but every once in awhile I get a craving for a cherry coke or Dr. Pepper. So refreshing!

    1. Ah, Angela, would that I was more like you! I fear that I am all to much a fan of sodas! Barq's Root Beer is my favorite, but cherry coke is a very, very close second!

  8. Ooo question! (as usual:) you didn't have to buy light room again to have it on your laptop did you? Did it let you just transfer it from a desktop?

    Oh I agree that getting Wifi is no small deal! You don't know how much you need/want it until you don't have it...I know from experience sitting in a random area for hours without precious wifi.

    1. ACTUALLY, Madison, (and I just learned this myself!) is that you can actually install it on more than one computer!! So, I left it on my Home computer for my family to keep using, but then just installed it on my laptop as well! I thought that I was going to have to uninstall it from the family desktop when I moved, but thankfully, my friend clued me into the fact that it can be installed more than once! Heaven bless him, he saved me a world of trouble, plus now my mom and family can still benefit from it! :)

    2. YES! I will definitely being putting this to use!

  9. that mason jar with the straw is so nifty!

    1. Kristyn, I LOVE that jar cup! Surprisingly, I got it at WAL-MART, of all places! It's actually plastic, so it's not glass, but it's just like a jar in other respects! I love it!

  10. I love David Archuleta! I've been kinda embarrassed to admit that to anyone, but since you were brave enough, I'll be brave enough. I like upbeat toe-tappin' songs, and he's definitely got those. :D

    So you love that book? I haven't read it, but I've seen such great reviews of it. Think I should add it to my (long) list?

    1. Oh, Kara...you really should drop EVERYTHING and find a copy of Beauty! It's really a wonderful book, I was so enthralled by it and I went into a stage of mourning when it was over! Read it, yes, do!

      Closet David Arch fans unite! :D


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