Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wednesday ~ Feel Old With Me (Since I'd Better Not Be Old All By Myself!)

Sometimes my brain gets stuck. I forget that time actually passes and things get old.
 My brain fails to compute that something isn't "new" or "recent" anymore.

Movies do that to me. Take a moment and let this sink in:

Enchanted was released in 2007.
That was 6 years ago.

 The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe came out in in 2005.
That was 8 years ago.

National Treasure and The Incredibles were released in 2004.
That was 9 years ago.

Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean were released in 2003.
That was 10 years ago, people!
That's a decade.

Spiderman came out in 2002.
That was 11 years ago.

Princess Diaries, LOTR: Fellowship and HP: Sorcerer's Stone were released in 2001.
That was 12 years ago. 
Remember the Titans and The Patriot were released in 2000.
That was 13 years ago.

Star Wars: Phantom Menace and Runaway Bride came out in 1999.
That was 14 years ago.

You've Got Mail came out in 1998.
That's 15 years ago.

Titanic came out in 1997.
That was 16 years ago. 

Emma (with Gwynneth Paltrow) came out in 1996.
That was 17 years ago.

Little Women, Toy Story and the A&E Pride and Prejudice came out in 1995.
 That was 18 years ago.

Jurassic Park came out in 1993.
That was 20 years ago.

I was 6 years old.

Feel the oldness.


  1. Thanks for nothing, Kellie. ;)

    Did you have to go and make me feel "old" considering I remember my childhood excitement at finally getting to watch Princess Diaries!? I mean really, that was 12 years ago. When'd that happen!? Gosh.

    On the bright side, may I just say, weren't you a cutie. Come to think of it, ya' still are. :)

    1. Haha, you're SO welcome, Rissi. ;) I couldn't feel old all by myself, I needed the moral support. :D

      Ah, Princess Diaries! I still catch myself thinking of it as "that new teen movie hit"...then I stop, realize that was 12 years ago, it's one of the OLD teen movies now, and I'm ancient. :D I love watching those old teen flicks, like Cinderella Story, Princess Diaries and Ice Princess...and just sorta laughing at the styles. Not because I think they're weird, but because they're just SO not the style anymore for teens. :)

      Ah, the good old days...

    2. True, those movies are the "style" for teens any more but... isn't that sad? All those you mention were adorable and really quite "innocent" in comparison.

      I still LOVE to watch those even if I don't nearly as often as I once did. :)

    3. It is sad! Although in the comment above, I was more specifically referring to the style of clothes. But yes, now it's all vampire movies and other darker stuff.

      And yes, I love them all, too! I actually own them myself and love watching them! My sisters and I watched them together a a month or so together (my younger sister had never seen PD) and it was really so much fun. :)

    4. Aw, yes! There is that too - I laugh at how outdated movies from the nineties are and have to remind myself that in a matter of years, the "cool" flicks of today will also be embarrassingly "old." ;)

      Vampires are NOT my thing so I pretty much stay away from that scene.

    5. Same here! Pasty-skinned, fanged blood-drinking creatures have never fascinated me. ;)

  2. Thanks a I feel old, too! :) Growing up is so weird, isn't it?

    I had a bit of a shock several months ago while watching Full House all the way through. In the first season, Uncle Jesse (who've I've always had a crush on) was supposed to be 24. Twenty-four! Only two years older than I am now! So bizarre.


    1. Kristin, that's truth right there - growing up IS pretty much the weirdest thing EVER. When I turned 26 in March, I think that's when it began to sink in that my childhood and even "youth" WERE indeed ended and ending...not that I'm old, but I'm not exactly a teenager or even an "early 20's" anymore!

      I KNOW what you mean! I'll let you in on my embarrassing secret - sometimes I'll watch movies that have people I had major movie crushes on years ago, and still sorta crush on them a little bit. But then I have the absolutely horrific realize that they're like 14 years old...and I feel like some kind of pedophile!! It's like when I watch the movie, I still see them through my own 14 year eyes...not eyes that are now 12 years or more older than they are. It's like they become ageless in their film screen immortality!

  3. Wow!! I can't believe these movies are so old!! Crazy. And that picture of you is SOOOO cute!!

    1. Yah, and I didn't even go back into the old classics! :D Hehe, thanks!

  4. Oh my gosh...thanks for that, Kel! ;) Now *I* feel old! I remember when 3/4's of those movies came out! They're my childhood!!!
    And by the way--rockin' the piggy-tails, gral! <3
    You were/are SOOOOO cute!!!!

    1. Well, 3/4 isn't too bad...I remember ALL of those coming out!!

      You think I should try and bring piggy-tails back into style? ;)

  5. How great to remember some of these awesome movies :) It does kinda make me feel old :)


    1. Claudy, thanks for visiting my blog, I'm so blessed that you took the time to read and comment!

  6. Nice clown sundae...those were the best :) Hey but I'm only 14 3/4 so I guess I can't feel old with you guys. Wish I could feel your pain...;)

    1. Yes! I remember being so enthralled by the clown sundaes! The gumball eyes held a certain fascination!

      Hehe, yes, Madison, you have a few years yet before you're allowed to start feeling old...but watch out, it's coming. ;)

  7. Haha! What's crazy to me is that I can even see the year that a particular movie came out and still not feel the oldness right away. Somehow 2001 feels like just a few years ago - not the time when I was 10! Oh, fun fact: Little Women was the second movie that my mom took me to seen in theaters (after The Lion King). Super fun and nostalgic post, Kellie. :D

    1. Taylor, that's exactly how I feel! Things don't feel old...even though they are! That Little Women? Yes...I still refer to it as "the new Little Women" it just came out. Instead of 18 years ago. Christian Bale in his youth, ah the good ol' days. ;)

    2. No matter what Christian Bale is in, he'll always be Laurie to me. :D

    3. I guess I should confess my secret...I actually can't stand Little Women! *ducks* I have no such aversion to Christian Bale, though. For me, he's either Jack Kelly (singing and dancing away in Newsies) or being all bat-like and macho in Batman. ;)

    4. What?! That's crazy. How could you not like Little Women?! Does that same feeling apply to the books or just the movie? Goodness. Since I grew up loving both, this is quite incomprehensible to me. ;) Oh, and even when Christian Bale plays Batman... yeah, as awesome as he is in that role, it still feels to me like Laurie just took a quick break from his life with Amy to be a superhero for awhile. :D

    5. LOL! Ladies and gents, it looks like we have a true-blue Little Women fan right here on this very blog! ;) I guess this is our first area of difference, eh, Taylor? I've never been a fan of either. When I was younger, it was okay. I remember reading the book, but I don't remember whether I even finished it! It just got...boring towards the end! And the older I got, the less and less I liked it, until now, I'm fullly embraced my dislike of it and am officially on team-NOT-Little Women. ;)If Jo had married Laurie, there might have been some redeeming factors, but since she married Mr. Behr....gah. *gagging sounds* 'bout them Dodgers? ;)

    6. Hehe. Yep, I do love it. I guess I'll forgive you for not liking it, 'cuz at least your opinions are perfectly correct about Jo and Laurie – they should have ended up together! The end. :D

    7. THANK YOU for seeing it, too! :)

  8. Geez, not sure I needed that....but on the bright side, I just realized that I own You've Got Mail and can drown my sorrows at being ancient in glorious 90's romantic comedy gold! ;-)

    1. I haven't seen You've Got Mail in awhile....can I come watch it with you?? I'll bring a carton of ice cream and a bag of chocolate, you bring the soda and chips. ;)

  9. Wow. I definitely feel old now. Thanks a lot. :)

    Just kidding. Although not on the old part--seriously how is it that Finding Nemo came out ten years ago? Although it would explain why I forget that the 2000's were a decade ago...

    1. What, you mean like 2001 wasn't just a few years ago?? :D I don't know why I (and so many other people!) keep thinking that "it was just a few years ago. Even 2009 itself was already four years ago! Eeek...there must be some oldness ooze coming out of me...

    2. 2009 was 4 years ago? bleck!

  10. Replies
    1. Exactly, Cassie! (and thanks for commenting!)

  11. Thanks a lot, Kellie! :-P
    cute pic btw

    1. Like I said, I was feeling to old to do it on my own. ;)

  12. Finding Nemo 10 years ago? I'm a grandma! Haha. Love this!! :)

    1. I know it, Jessica! I can not believe that it was ten freakin' years ago!


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